FGB18 est fière de sa ville et de son CHER département et ne manque pas une occasion pour le faire découvrir à ses visiteurs ! Bien sûr, en priorité, aux membres de son association jumelle, la PAFA, la Peterborough Anglo-French Association, mais aussi aux visiteurs d’autres villes de France ou d’ailleurs. A la demande de ces derniers, les visites peuvent se faire en anglais!
August 2024 – two FGB members become tourist guides in Bourges

Our association was contacted in July by Soizic, an English teacher from the Nantes association ‘Les Cahiers Pédagogiques’. She was coming to Bourges from August 17th to 23rd to run a training session in English at the lycée Marguerite de Navarre destined to fellow colleagues of other disciplines who wanted to upgrade their level of English. She had the idea to give her trainees a tour of Bourges in English and was looking for volunteers who could guide them around. Caroline and Claudine accepted the challenge and after revising some historical facts about the city’s famous spots, led the 14 participants along the streets of Bourges on the 21st of August. In the morning, they showed them the Tango Basketball stadium, the birthplace house of Jacques Cœur, the palace of the Duke of Berry, The Hôtel de Panette. After a picnic lunch in the Arbishop garden, they had a short visit of the cathedral, strolled along the ramparts, saw the half-timbered houses around Place Gordaine before reaching the Jacques Cœur Palace. The tour ended at the Villa Monin, rewarded by delicious cocktails and cakes. The teachers from all over France (from Quimper to Narbonne) enjoyed their visit while improving their English. They didn’t have not enough time for a walk through the Préfichaux garden or the Water-Gardens but most intend to come back to Bourges, why not for the Printemps de Bourges !
October 2023 : Two Englishmen in Bourges
COLIN et KYRAN, deux Britanniques originaires du DERBYSHIRE qui communiquent, environ une fois par mois, par zoom, avec des membres de FGB ont décidé de rendre visite ‘in-situ’ à leurs homologues françaises. C’est avec plaisir que plusieurs membres de notre association les accueillent à Bourges et leur font découvrir la capitale berruyère.