Visio-conférence de Sophie Loussouarn, proposée par FGB Paris et le CRECIB. Sophie LOUSSOUARN est diplômée de l’Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, agrégée d’Anglais, Docteur de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne et Maître de conférences à l’Université de Picardie. Les associations FGB régionales étaient conviées à assister par zoom à la conférence et pour les personnes qui ont pu se connecter, ce fut un régal ! Excellente initiative de FGB Paris de partager ce moment.

Article de Claudine VANNIER – Journal FGB 3è TR 2021

Pour se documenter plus amplement, lire le livre de Sophie Loussouarn, paru en 2019

The prominence and popularity of portraiture during the eighteenth century meant that the public profiles of elite families, particularly those of privileged women, reached unprecedented levels. In some cases – as with Emma Hamilton – sitters could even rise in social standing as a result of skilful portraits and the fame that ensued, signalling the emergence of the modern-day celebrity as we know it. Portraits celebrated the virtues of women as mothers or accomplished ladies, and significant moments in life were commemorated with a portrait: engagements; marriage; maternity; election to a club – bringing women into the public realm at a time of expanding female social and intellectual opportunities. But portraiture was soon followed by caricature, and there is a sharp contrast between the grand manner portraits, conversation pieces, and satirical prints – which had a moralising function. Fame & Faces explores the portrayal of women in the Reign of George III, a defining age of British art.